sctp_recvv(3) — Linux manual page


SCTP_RECVV(3)                     Linux                    SCTP_RECVV(3)

NAME         top

       sctp_recvv - Receive a message from a SCTP socket with an
       extensible way.

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/socket.h>
       #include <netinet/sctp.h>

       int sctp_recvv(int sd, const struct iovec * iov, int iovlen,
                      struct sockaddr * from, socklen_t * fromlen, void * info,
                      socklen_t * infolen, unsigned int * infotype, int * flags);

DESCRIPTION         top

       sctp_recvv provides an extensible way for the SCTP stack to pass
       up different SCTP attributes associated with a received message
       to an application.  There are two types of attributes that can be
       returned by this call: the attribute of the received message and
       the attribute of the next message in the receive buffer.  The
       caller enables the SCTP_RECVRCVINFO and SCTP_RECVNXTINFO socket
       options, respectively, to receive these attributes.  Attributes
       of the received message are returned in struct sctp_rcvinfo, and
       attributes of the next message are returned in struct
       sctp_nxtinfo.  If both options are enabled, both attributes are
       returned using the following structure.

          struct sctp_recvv_rn {
            struct sctp_rcvinfo recvv_rcvinfo;
            struct sctp_nxtinfo recvv_nxtinfo;

       sd is the socket descriptor.  iov is the scatter buffer, and only
       one user message is returned in this buffer.  iovlen is the
       number of elements in iov.  from is a pointer to a buffer to be
       filled with the sender of the received message's address.
       fromlen is an in/out parameter describing the from length.  info
       is a pointer to the buffer to hold the attributes of the received
       message, the structure type of info is determined by the
       info_type parameter.  infolen is an in/out parameter describing
       the size of the info buffer.  On return, infotype is set to the
       type of the info buffer, and the current defined values are as

              If neither SCTP_RECVRCVINFO nor SCTP_RECVNXTINFO options
              are enabled, no attribute will be returned.  If only the
              SCTP_RECVNXTINFO option is enabled but there is no next
              message in the buffer, no attribute will be returned.  In
              these cases, *info_type will be set to SCTP_RECVV_NOINFO.

              The type of info is struct sctp_rcvinfo, and the attribute
              relates to the received message.

              The type of info is struct sctp_nxtinfo, and the attribute
              relates to the next message in the receive buffer.  This
              is the case when only the SCTP_RECVNXTINFO option is
              enabled and there is a next message in the buffer.

              The type of info is struct sctp_recvv_rn.  The
              recvv_rcvinfo field is the attribute of the received
              message, and the recvv_nxtinfo field is the attribute of
              the next message in the buffer.  This is the case when
              both SCTP_RECVRCVINFO and SCTP_RECVNXTINFO options are
              enabled and there is a next message in the receive buffer.

       flags is pointer to an integer to be filled with any message
       flags (e.g., MSG_NOTIFICATION).

RETURN VALUE         top

       On success, sctp_recvv returns the number of bytes received or -1
       if an error occurred.

SEE ALSO         top

       sctp(7) sctp_bindx(3), sctp_connectx(3), sctp_sendmsg(3),
       sctp_sendv(3), sctp_send(3), sctp_peeloff(3), sctp_getpaddrs(3),
       sctp_getladdrs(3), sctp_opt_info(3)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the lksctp-tools (Linux kernel SCTP tools)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at [unknown
       -- if you know, please contact] If you have a
       bug report for this manual page, send it to
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-02-04.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Linux 4.16                     2018-04-29                  SCTP_RECVV(3)

Pages that refer to this page: sctp_bindx(3)sctp_connectx(3)sctp_getladdrs(3)sctp_getpaddrs(3)sctp_opt_info(3)sctp_peeloff(3)sctp_send(3)sctp_sendmsg(3)sctp_sendv(3)sctp(7)